America is the most generous, hope and opportunity-filled country in all of history, built on the principles of liberty for which men and women have given their last full measure for over 240 years. We owe them for their sacrifice and their legacy. We owe future generations our total commitment to protect and promote what is so unique about this incredible country that has been bequeathed to us. America’s commitment to self-government is built upon individual freedom and personal responsibility, and these are TSI’s driving principles.

TSI exists for the purpose of protecting and advancing these inspiring, unique, foundational values and the opportunities that only free enterprise and free markets can provide. Moreover, it is committed to expanding freedom’s reach to those denied its blessings.

Opportunity is in America’s DNA. We are a unique, special country, built on the principles of hard work, creativity, strategic risk taking, ethical behavior, and commitment to a higher purpose. TSI is committed to reversing the currently growing mindset that embraces, and even celebrates, victimhood, entitlement, and dependency on others, too often subordinating individual identity and responsibility to those of group associations. TSI is committed to rebuilding a culture that honors and institutionalizes personal responsibility and accountability, limited government, and self-determination.

As an activist, TSI uses its grant-making, investment capability, and real-world experience to protect and enhance capitalism, private property rights, and individual liberty. Through its activism, TSI seeks to promote and advance policies, values, and institutions which create environments that empower individuals to control their own lives as well as those of their families.

The driving virtues behind TSI’s activism and civic engagement include respect, understanding, compassion, sacrifice, deferred gratification, courage, optimism, conviction, justice, responsibility, integrity, honesty, loyalty, reliability, civility, tolerance, hope, accountability, family, patriotism, selflessness, and service to others.

TSI Mission

Committed to growing independence and shrinking dependence, The Schuck Initiatives’ purpose is to intentionally protect and advance America’s unique, bedrock, foundational, and interdependent principles of individual freedom built upon personal responsibility.

The Schuck Initiatives proactively expands liberty’s reach, empowering individuals to progress from dependency to independence by accessing the boundless opportunities unique to free enterprise, free markets, and free choice.

The Schuck Initiatives’ values are best expressed in the ideals, truths, and inspiration so boldly and courageously expressed in the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and the Emancipation Proclamation.

TSI Approach

Through strategic alliances, financial investments, mentorship, and technical support, TSI seeks to expand freedom, liberty, and opportunity by protecting, sustaining, and growing a robust free enterprise system that motivates and empowers individuals to take responsibility for themselves, their families, and their communities.

TSI is an active player; TSI is not a passive, traditional philanthropist. TSI is a change agent that seeks to identify and partner with others who share common objectives and who are warriors in the battle for personal independence, responsibility, opportunity, and accountability. TSI initiates and proactively drives efforts where and when leadership is needed, while also creating and supporting strategic alliances led by others. Focus is always and totally on moving the needle towards desired outcomes and playing whatever strategic role is necessary to maximize results. Controversy, risk, attack, criticism, and the potential for failure do not, and should never, discourage TSI from taking needed actions; on the contrary, they are the handmaidens of progress. TSI takes outsized risk in pursuit of outsized results.

TSI in Action

TSI believes free markets and robust competition produce the best, most cost-effective outcomes. Consumers benefit most directly and immediately when multiple providers vie for their favor. But those providers also benefit from the market signals and consumer feedback they receive, which then guide and motivate them to be most responsive, directly and indirectly benefiting individuals and society.

Applying the most basic, fundamental market principles to many of our nation’s most serious policy failures can improve results quickly and efficiently – but doing so, and doing it well, requires bold, courageous, principled, unwavering, creative leadership – that is what TSI exists to provide!

Hall of Fame Induction

Working with TSI

TSI strives to build partnerships, collaborations using as simple, strategic, and as streamlined a process as possible. Prospective partners should consider the following:


  • TSI only funds efforts aligned with our mission, principles, and objectives.
  • TSI seeks bold, innovative opportunities — our focus is on those with high-impact potential.
  • Informal descriptions of partnership opportunities may be submitted via US mail or email.
  • All submissions will receive a review and response.

TSI Board of Directors

Brock Chapman, Director / President and CEO, Schuck Chapman Companies

Steven L. Everson, J.D., Secretary & Treasurer / SVP, Schuck Chapman Companies

Alicia L. Manning, Director / VP Programs, The Bradley Foundation

Luke Ragland, Director / SVP Grants, The Daniels Fund

William A. Schambra, Director / Sr. Fellow Emeritus, The Hudson Institute

Stephen M. Schuck, Chairman of TSI Board / Chairman, Schuck Chapman Companies

Robert L. Woodson Sr., Director / Founder & President, The Woodson Center

Bill L. Cadman, President and CEO, Ex-officio